Travel Tips
Long Haul Flights
I have been on my fair share of long haul flights across the globe and have discovered some essentials that help me feel ready to hit the ground running when I land. I hope you will find some of these tips helpful.
Flying tends to dehydrate you and we all know the adverse effect that can have on your body and mind. Staying hydrated will not only help you feel physically at your best, but also keep your mind sharp. You should drink 8 ounces of water for every hour you are in the air. And I know what you are saying, "If I drink that much water, I will constantly be standing in line for the bathroom". That may be true, but the perk of going to the bathroom is it gives you an opportunity to stretch and walk. This is important when it comes to helping us not get off the plane with elephant ankles or possible blood clots. Moving on long haul flights is essential and drinking plenty of water may just be the alarm you need to remind you that it's time to move.
I LOVE water. I can't get enough on a normal day, but especially on long haul flights. There is nothing like being in the air for hours and having to ask the flight attendant a million times for water. Although they are super helpful, I tend to feel bad for constantly asking for water over and over. Those itty bitty cups just don't do it for me. Thankfully airlines have gotten to where they will let you carry on empty water bottles. I go through security with my empty bottle and once I am to the gate I purchase 2 large plastic bottles of water. I like to get the insulated bottles because it keeps my water cold longer. If you want to get really fancy, you could get a cup of ice from a restaurant and ensure your water stays nice and cold your entire flight.
If you are like me you have probably been on a flight and when meal time rolls around you just aren't hungry or the idea of what they are serving makes your stomach turn-snacks are essential. Not just any ordinary snacks, but snacks that are packed with protein and not a ton of sugar. Plus there is no need for you to take up space in your carry on with sugary snacks, because most long haul flights keep a small basket of complementary candy and fruit in the back of the plane. Just ask your flight attendant or stop by on your way back to your seat from your trips to the bathroom.
It is important to be sure we are fueling our bodies properly to endure not only a long flight, but feel energized and ready to embark on whatever new adventure we are flying to. Here are some snacks I like to bring with me.
- Peanut Butter
- Granola Bar
- Beef Jerky
- Protein Bars
- Nut Mix
- Dried Fruit- I like to find some that still have some of the skin on. Hello fiber! This is a must and helps keep things moving 😉. That may be TMI now, but you will thank me later.
Remember to be sure to eat as healthy as you can a few days leading up to your trip and after you land. It is important to prepare your bodies for the long flight and this will also help you feel at your best during jet lag.
Hydration-Part 2
Have you noticed that after a long flight your hands and lips are excessively dry? Water is helpful, but there are other simple and practical ways for you to stay fully hydrated-not just on the inside. I have found that I feel and look my best when landing if I am intentional with my skin care regiment on the flight. Here are some of the items that I like to bring with me as well as the regiment I put in place. Yes, it is a lot of work but totally worth it if you don't have time to recoup when you land. And where do you have to go and what do you have to do anyway? You can implement these things as you are watching the in flight entertainment.
Face- As soon as we take off, I take off all of my makeup with a makeup wipe and apply under eye cream and facial moisturizer cream (don't forget your neck). One of the best hacks I have found is to bring a contact lens case full of under eye cream on one side and facial moisturizing cream on the other. This keeps everything super compact and light weight. I apply the moisturizers every 3-4 hours. I know it seems excessive, but it takes two seconds and makes a world of difference. Of course, I reapply my makeup right before we land.
Lips- I usually apply this chapstick every few hours.
Hands, arms, legs, and feet- Don't spend that much time on your face and lips and forget the rest of your body. When you are re-applying your facial creams do the same for the rest of your body. I promise your skin will thank you. Be sure to bring the yummy smelling lotion to give you a little boost throughout your flight. I mean let's get real, some flights don't have the best smell especially after about the 3rd hour or so. One quick tip for your feet is to bring an extra pair of socks in your bag to put on after you apply the lotion. This will lock in extra moisture and keep your toes nice and toasty.
Comfy Clothes-
I always bring an extra set of comfy pants and a loose fitting t-shirt and light weight zippered jacket with me. After we get in the air and everyone gets settled I change into my comfy clothes. Not only does it keep me comfortable on the flight, but they can also serve as my pjs if my luggage is lost. This just makes long haul flights more bearable in my opinion. Also, remember that light layers are your friend when traveling. I have been in planes where it was so cold I could see my breath and others where I wish I had brought a travel fan with me. Then about an hour before we are scheduled to land I change back into my normal clothes and freshen up. While we are talking about freshening up and changes of clothes-don't forget an extra pair of underwear. Remember you have been traveling for MANY hours. It never hurts to change those puppies before you land.
Here are just a few extra things I like to carry with me:
This is just personal preference, but I like having my own earbuds when I travel.
Hand Sanitizer (this was in my bag pre-COVID)- I don't feel this needs an explanation, but germs are everywhere!
Wet Wipes- I like to keep a small package of these on me to wipe down the tray at my seat, the tv screen (touch screen), arm rests, and to just freshen up where needed. 😉
Pony Tail Elastic- These are great if you don't want to have a crease or breakage.
Leave in conditioner- don't forget to hydrate the ends of your hair. A little goes a long way. Throw your hair in a messy bun or braid and forget about it. You can also use the contact lens case for this. There are ways to carry all you need or want in a compact and lightweight fashion.
Basic Makeup- Seint Cosmestics is the best when it comes to having everything you need in one compact. See "Favorite Things" for more information on this line of makeup.
Change of clothes- Just in case my luggage doesn't make it or if we have a long layover where I can take a shower and really freshen up.
Dry Shampoo- If I can find a non aerosol travel size, this is a must for my fine hair. Thankfully they have started selling other types of dry shampoo.
Light Weight Blanket- I like to have a travel sized blanket with me. Sometimes the ones they give you on the flights just don't cut it.
Travel Pillow- Can't forget the zzz's on a long flight.
Saline Nasal Spray- With all the recycled air your sinuses can dry out which can cause all sorts of pain and discomfort-even bleeding. Trust me. I will never forget my first long trip waiting in line to board when my nose suddenly started gushing blood. If I don't remember anything else, I always remember my nasal spray.
Eye Drops- Well it's the same story as the nose. It just feels nice to add some moisture to your eyes periodically.
Small First Aide Kit- Headache medicine, sinus meds, sleep aide, prescription meds, airborne gummies, vit C, Aleve, a bandaide or two, and neosporin. I like to be prepared.
Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Deodorant- Isn't it a given?
Book, Notebook, and a Pen or two- You never know how you will be inspired above the clouds and you will want to be prepared.
Carabiner- These come in super handy to clip your travel pillow or water bottle to your carry on. This helps keep your hands free.
Small Fan- Ok, I know when you read that, you thought "really? a fan? Someone is high maintenance!"
But when traveling especially to third world countries AC is not the norm and things can get steamy quickly. Don't worry, I'm not talking about the ones that you wear around your neck that use a battery. I'm talking about the small folding fans that ladies used to bring to church. It is small, light weight, and will make your adjustment to hotter climates a little more bearable.
Peppermint Oil- If you know me, you know how much I love peppermint oil. It has calming effects, treats headaches, and just smells nice. I always have a small bottle of this on hand.
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